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Im vierten Quartal 2020 können wir wieder viele neue Mitglieder in unseren Reihen des UAV DACH e.V. begrüßen.


Neues Mitglied: Unmanned Systems Bulgaria

Unmanned Systems Bulgaria aims to spread the more interesting news from the drone world and to organize trainings recently. Here you will find information on technical and economic solutions, legislation, countermeasures systems, as well as consultation in case you are looking.
Stefan is the technical person with expertise in security, risk assessment and safety. He graduated in „Aviation Equipment and Tenologies“ in the Technical and worked in the field of aircraft maintenance. His new vocation is the current blog.

Ivan works at a law firm where he is a partner. Its specialization is copyright and patent law, but it would also take on more challenging cases such as the ambiguities in drone legislation.


Unmanned Systems Bulgaria OOD
Damyn Gruev Str. 29

BG-1606 Sofia
